10 events found.
Smithers Public Library 3817 Alfred Avenue, Smithers, BCToddlertime continues the steps begun in Babytime and is geared toward toddlers from about 18 to 36 months. Toddlers begin to take a more active interest in the sessions and […]
Smithers Public Library 3817 Alfred Avenue, Smithers, BCThe VolunTEENS meet to plan upcoming events and explore ideas for future activities and initiatives. Of course, much fun will also be had!
Book Lovers Night Out
Smithers Public Library 3817 Alfred Avenue, Smithers, BCJoin us for a lively monthly gathering built around a love of books, discussion and companionship. We meet from September to June on the fourth Wednesday of the month at […]
Smithers Public Library 3817 Alfred Avenue, Smithers, BCToddlertime continues the steps begun in Babytime and is geared toward toddlers from about 18 to 36 months. Toddlers begin to take a more active interest in the sessions and […]